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博客來-IPO:A Global Guide博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/0010513944
In this practical guide to initial public offerings, Philippe Espinasse explains the pros and cons of turning private businesses into listed companies. In straightforward, jargon-free language he details the strategies, procedures, and documentation for different forms of listings, and describes the process of marketing and pricing an international IPO. The guide includes many real-life case studies, sample documents, an extensive glossary of terms, and a review of listing requirements for major stock exchanges. It also discusses recent developments in global equity capital markets.
IPO: A Global Guide is applicable to any financial jurisdiction, including emerging markets with vibrant IPO activity in the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. Intended for entrepreneurs, market practitioners and students, this guide will be essential reading for anyone planning to take a company to market.
Philippe Espinasse
Philippe Espinasse was a senior investment banker for more than 19 years. He has worked on IPOs and capital markets transactions in 30 countries.
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